Category Archives: ketogenic diet

Exogenous Ketone Supplementation: The Lowdown on the Latest Products

how to use exogenous ketones why use exogenous ketones bhb salts

Latest BHB Salts Product Roundup Getting to grips with supplementation for exogenous ketones can be tricky. And with the latest new product releases from Kegenix, Ketologic, Pruvit Keto//OS and Perfect Keto, it can seem even more complicated. So here is the Keto Supplements’ lowdown on the latest ketogenic supplements, what you can use them for, […]

The Ketogenic Diet: Getting back on track after the Festive Season

ketogenic diet keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you have a break from keto? How many of you had a break from Keto? We certainly did! It seemed like such a blasphemy not to indulge in all the Christmas treats. But there were certainly consequences, and now, it’s time to get back into the heavenly lucid state of ketosis! Leading up to […]

The Christmas Story behind Keto Supplements

the ketogenic diet and epilepsy keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you ever want to know why we created Keto Supplements? In 2012, Francisco started to have random seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The doctors and neurologists prescribed medication. And thinking that doctors are right, Francisco started taking it. However, the medication had horrible side effects that included depression, fatigue and headaches. In addition, […]

Getting started with Exogenous Ketones: What are they and how can you use them?

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So, what are exogenous ketones? If you’re absolutely new to the ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones, then this post will be useful for you. Exogenous simply means ‘out of body’. We can all produce endogenous (in the body) ketones when following a ketogenic diet or while fasting. This occurs when we have depleted our glycogen […]

Take a Deep Breath: How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the Ketogenic Diet can Heal your Body

benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet

Are there benefits to combining hyperbaric oxygen therapy with the ketogenic diet? Jake had been diagnosed with a fatal spinal and brain tumour, the doctors said he had only one day to live. They advised that he should rest and die in the comfort of his own home. His mother insisted on taking him to […]

On Sweeteners for the Ketogenic Diet: Which ones can you trust and which ones should you avoid? Guest Blog Post from KetoGenius!

sweeteners for the ketogenic diet ketogenius

Which sweeteners are ideal for the ketogenic diet? This month we would love to introduce you to our guest bloggers: Mark & Avni from KetoGenius who create amazing ketogenic snack boxes with every imaginable delicious healthy ketogenic snack available! Use code KETOSUPPLEMENTS for 10% off your order  :-). Aspartame – One of the most popular artificial […]

What is Ketosis and what is the Ketogenic Diet?

what is ketosis and what is the ketogenic diet?

What is Ketosis and what is the ketogenic diet? Did you know that there are two sources of fuel for the body? Ketones & Glucose. The ketogenic diet differs to a typical western diet, in which the majority of our energy comes from carbohydrates and sugar. Our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) for […]

Who says you can’t have desserts on keto?

keto cookie recipe

Following a ketogenic diet does not mean that you have to miss out on sweet treats. In fact, there is an abundance of delicious high fat, no sugar keto desserts that will crush your sugar cravings. You’ll find that once you start getting creative, your desserts will beat the sugar-laden treats you have had in […]

Are you a Sugar Burner or a Fat Burner?

what is ketosis? keto supplements ketogenicc diet

What is Ketosis? Did you know that there are two sources of fuel for the body? They are Ketones & Glucose. The ketogenic diet differs to a typical western diet, in which the majority of our energy comes from carbohydrates and sugar. Our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) for energy and we store […]

The Good, the Bad and the Trans: Why we Need to Talk about Vegetable Oil

dangers of vegetable oil

Is there really a big difference between Saturated Fats, Polyunsaturated fats and Trans fats? What makes a fat turn bad, and how can we distinguish between the fats we should enjoy and the ones that we should avoid at all costs? What are the dangers of vegetable oil? The ketogenic diet prescribes a high fat-intake, […]

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