Our light-medium roasted coffee with sweet citrus characteristics, sourced and roasted specifically for liver care, metabolic vitality and the highest level of antioxidant activity. PROTECT contains more CGA than any of our coffees.
340g Whole Beans
Once you have tried freshly roasted Purity Coffee, you will notice the difference, not only in how it tastes, but how it makes you feel. Most of our customers report feeling a sustained, clean energy, without the jitters and upset stomach that comes from ingesting typical commercial coffees.
Purity Coffee Tastes Exceptional
Just because we prioritize health does not mean we sacrifice taste. In fact, some of our customers say that Purity is the best tasting coffee they’ve ever had. This should be no surprise… The purest, freshest organic coffee SHOULD be the best tasting coffee too!
How is PURITY COFFEE different from all other coffee brands?
We produce coffee with a single goal in mind…maximizing the health benefits.
Purity Coffee’s Signature 3-Step Process
While there are many coffees produced today which claim to be good for you, the signature process we have developed ensures you’re getting the healthiest coffee available…period. The reason for this is very simple: we optimize for health benefits during every single step of the production process.
Here’s what we’re doing to make Purity Coffee so healthy:
Each season we lab test high-altitude, organically grown Arabica beans from farms around the world to determine which coffees meet or exceed Purity’s standards. From Indonesia to Costa Rica, from Ethiopia to Brazil, our mission is to find the highest quality coffee that fit the 5 criteria of our Purity Health Profile.
The 5 Criteria of our Purity Health Profile
We estimate less than 1% of coffees worldwide fit all 5 of these…

Purity is always organic.
Organic coffees have been produced by following approved methods of agriculture and handling. These methods integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices, including cycling of resources, promoting ecological balance, and conserving biodiversity.

Purity standards require “Near Zero Defects.”
The highest standard of coffee with the least number of defects is classified as “specialty grade” and that is the Purity starting point. Green coffee defects are substandard coffee beans that can occur for a multitude of reasons: Adverse climate conditions, poor agricultural, harvesting and processing practices, and problematic transportation or storage of the coffee. Some of these defects are difficult to avoid, but others can be avoided. Regardless, to get defect-free coffee, most coffee must be sorted, so that whatever defects remain are removed.
For most coffee companies, taste is the main reason for removing certain defects. For Purity, health is the main reason, because some bean defects can lead to microorganisms, toxins like Ochratoxin A, or an uneven roast profile, which can create unwanted PAHs.

Purity contains no mold. Ever.
Mold and mycotoxins are a serious health concern, with accepted levels for consumption differing from country to country. If mold is present, it can only be eliminated at high roast temperatures. Unfortunately, these high temperatures may increase the formation of acrylamide, or create the carcinogen Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and eliminate healthy polyphenols, the chlorogenic acids, in coffee. Therefore, we cannot tolerate mold at any stage. Purity uses a routine developed by leading coffee scientists in Brazil, which confirms that as coffee passes through each step of the supply chain it is free from contamination. We regularly lab test our green beans to ensure that this remains the case.

Purity sources sustainable coffee.
We not only care about the health of our coffee — we care about the health of the people who produce it and the environment in which it is grown. Sustainable agriculture is “an integrated system of plant and animal production practices that will last over the long term”. These integrated practices include:
- Satisfying human food needs
- Enhancing environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends
- Making the most efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources to integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls
- Sustaining the economic viability of farm operations
- Enhancing the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole

Our industry-recognized cuppers taste a selection of coffees that fit our Purity Health Profile and select the best tasting ones. While health benefits are always our main concern, Purity also tastes great.
Less than 1% of coffees worldwide fit all 5 of these criteria and we search diligently for coffees that do. All Purity Coffee is specialty grade coffee, but not all specialty grade coffee is Purity Coffee.

Our work is dynamic, and we are learning with each coffee, focusing squarely on health-related compounds. It is challenging to produce consistently roasted coffee from one crop year to the next, and, of course, different coffee varieties from different parts of the world, grown under different circumstances and climates, each present new challenges.
Here are just a few of the things we focus on:
As the bean is roasted, healthy chlorogenic acids and other desirable antioxidant compounds diminish. Our goal is to be highest in antioxidant compounds. We roast to maximize chlorogenic acids, so we experiment with different curves and test the results for the profile that retained the most of these special compounds.
In the beginning of the roasting process, acrylamide is formed and is broken down later in the roast, so if the bean is under-roasted there will be higher levels of acrylamide, which is unhealthy for you. We roast to decrease acrylamide. Acrylamide cannot be totally avoided, but can be greatly decreased through a proper roasting protocol. We do not under-roast.
Over-roasting coffee may form polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some of which are carcinogenic. PAHs in the roasted coffee beans are dependent on roasting temperature and roasting time. We carefully choose when to end the roasting cycle to eliminate PAH content in our coffee.
We prepare, organize, document and send off our profile samples for testing. Our scientists are evaluating the data and developing standards as we submit green coffees and roast profiles to them.
In other words, at Purity, as we roast for health, we hope you will enjoy the flavor as much as the peace in knowing your coffee is the healthiest we can make it.
Virtually every food will eventually oxidize or spoil. Coffee is no exception – it stales. Fresh coffee is simply better for you. Purity employs the most current industry practices to keep the coffee’s antioxidants from degrading and oils from turning rancid. With Purity, you receive coffee as fresh as the day it was roasted.
Coffee’s Rule of Thumb – “15-15-15”
Raw “green” coffee beans are acceptable for 15 months if stored correctly.
Roasted coffee is at its best for 15 days, if stored correctly.
After it’s ground, coffee should be consumed within 15 minutes to get the maximum health benefits.
Fresh is Best
There are only a few food and beverage products that improve with age – and coffee isn’t one of them. Once the green beans are roasted, the coffee is exposed to the air. If the coffee is dark roasted, the rich oils shining on the surface of the beans start to oxidize, degrade and eventually turn rancid. This also happens internally, even in lighter roasted beans.
These marvelous qualities start to fade after 20-30 days. When coffee goes bad, the oils become rancid, the organic materials stale and the taste has distinct bitterness, sourness and dull wood flavor.
Coffee may languish on supermarket shelves and in warehouses for months, losing more flavor and growing more and more stale over time. As a result, both the coffee’s fresh, bright flavor and some of the health benefits are already on a downward spiral by the time a consumer puts it in the shopping cart. This is why so many of the coffees sold in supermarkets are labeled without reference to their “roasted on” dates, making it impossible for you to determine how fresh they are.
As a Purity Member, you receive your coffee every month and it arrives to you as soon as the delivery vehicle can get it there. That means the coffee is fresh and tastes great, but it’s also better for you than most coffee that has been roasted months before you get the chance to buy it.
Once you have tried freshly roasted Purity Coffee, you will notice the difference, not only in how it tastes, but how it makes you feel. Most of our customers report feeling a sustained, clean energy, without the jitters and upset stomach that comes from ingesting a stale coffee.
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