Tag Archives: ketogenic diet

Exogenous Ketones: A Fast Track to Weight Loss or Just a Fad?

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Can exogenous ketones help you lose weight? There has been a lot of hype about the wonders of exogenous ketones (Beta Hydroxybutyrate aka BHB salts) and their link to weight loss. The American supplement industry is literally exploding with new BHB products being introduced every week…but do they actually work? A quick Google search will pull […]

On Sweeteners for the Ketogenic Diet: Which ones can you trust and which ones should you avoid? Guest Blog Post from KetoGenius!

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Which sweeteners are ideal for the ketogenic diet? This month we would love to introduce you to our guest bloggers: Mark & Avni from KetoGenius who create amazing ketogenic snack boxes with every imaginable delicious healthy ketogenic snack available! Use code KETOSUPPLEMENTS for 10% off your order  :-). Aspartame – One of the most popular artificial […]

Experiencing a Weight Loss Plateau? How to Restart your Fat Loss on the Ketogenic Diet

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Experiencing a Weight Loss Plateau on the Ketogenic Diet? We are incredibly resilient beings. The human physiology has evolved to adapt to our surroundings. Therefore, depending on the environmental factors and stresses that we expose our bodies to, our bodies will adapt and adjust. When you initially transition from the typical western diet to a […]

Five Steps to Ketosis

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5 Steps to Ketosis Step 1: Remove Sugar and Carbohydrates from your Diet All sugars are equal! Sugars and carbohydrates create blood sugar (highs and lows), resulting in increased hunger and fat storage. Sugar also causes inflammation of the gut and also in the joints. Avoid fast foods and processed foods which are high in […]

Carbs: Friend or Foe? On Quantity, Quality and Timing of Carb Consumption for the Ketogenic Diet

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Carb Consumption for the Ketogenic Diet If you have been following a ketogenic, keto-style, atkins, or any form of low-carb, high-fat diet, you will be pretty accustomed to frantically checking food packaging for its carbohydrate content. And no doubt grown increasingly frustrated at the amount of carbs which are added to most foods–usually at the […]

How and When to Take Your Exogenous Ketones?

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How and when to take your exogenous ketones? We have had many questions on how and when to take your exogenous ketones. From fitness endurance to fat loss, and from cognitive focus to inflammation reduction goals, we have outlined the most effective times to take your ketones: Just 30 minutes prior to training, shake up […]

Are there any Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet?

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Common Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet As you transition to a ketogenic diet, many changes are going to occur in your body. You are literally detoxing and you may experience low energy levels, extreme thirst, an increase in body temperature and acute cravings for bananas (and other high GI foods). Be kind to yourself and […]

What’s the deal with Fat Coffee?

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Fat Coffee, Butter Coffee, Bulletproof Coffee, Brain Coffee, MCT Coffee: So many recipes! Why add fat to your coffee? There is nothing new about Butter Coffee or Butter Tea. For centuries, the rural tribes of Tibet, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia have flourished on a morning brew of tea or coffee mixed with Yak butter. This […]

Feeling Thirsty on the Ketogenic Diet?

You will find yourself feeling thirsty on the ketogenic diet! This is because your body processes minerals differently once you are in ketosis; As your body is detoxing, you rapidly eliminate sodium, which also lowers your potassium and magnesium from the body.

Parched, anyone? As you transition to ketosis you are going to feel thirsty. This is because your body processes minerals differently once you are in ketosis. As your body is detoxing, you rapidly eliminate sodium, which also lowers your potassium and magnesium levels. This means that you absolutely must replenish your electrolytes: sodium, magnesium and […]

The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan

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Getting started on a Ketogenic Diet When you are transitioning to the Ketogenic Diet, this is one of the best books that you can read. Although The Whole Life plan is more of a vey low carb plan, it is an accessible, intelligent read and we absolutely love the emphasis on gut health: something that […]

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