Tag Archives: healthy fats

Bangin’ Keto Fish Curry: Spice Up Your Spring Evenings

keto fish curry recipe

Nothing warms you like a spicy, heart warming curry. With a true love of seafood, Indian flavours (I am half-Pakistani after all!) and creamy coconut, this authentic recipe is divine. Get ready for some chilli fire, sumptious coconut and tender, crumbling fish. I literally just made this dish after a rainy, chilly March day and […]

The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Ketogenic Diet: Alleviate Joint Pain

keto diet to alleviate joint pain anti-inflammatory ketogenic diet

Can you use the keto diet to alleviate joint pain? Joint pain and arthritis are linked to chronic and acute inflammation—this is when our bodies perceive a constant attack and release cytokines (proteins that regulate immunity and inflammation) to fight off the perceived threat. In the case of joint pain, this literally could be a […]

The Future of Killer Ingredients: Processed Sugars and Degraded Fats. On Challenging the Processed Food Industry

Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats

Fi Europe Presentation December 2019: Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats  Well, it has been a while since I have written any proper long form content for Keto Supplements and that is not because I have stopped writing—no way! To the contrary I have been building out more extensive keto guides—lots to come–and recently presented at a […]

Don’t Fear the Fat: High Fat Healing

benefits of keto diet high fat diet to heal inflammation

How a high-fat low-carb diet can heal your body Fat has had a bad rap for the past 40 plus years. Let’s re-examine why high-fat diet is so good for you and how fat can heal your hormones, body and brain—and particularly—your heart. If you are considering a ketogenic or high-fat, low-carb diet, the first […]

Are there any Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet?

what are the downsides to the ketogeni diet keto supplements uk exogenous ketones

Common Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet As you transition to a ketogenic diet, many changes are going to occur in your body. You are literally detoxing and you may experience low energy levels, extreme thirst, an increase in body temperature and acute cravings for bananas (and other high GI foods). Be kind to yourself and […]

What’s the deal with Fat Coffee?

fat coffee

Fat Coffee, Butter Coffee, Bulletproof Coffee, Brain Coffee, MCT Coffee: So many recipes! Why add fat to your coffee? There is nothing new about Butter Coffee or Butter Tea. For centuries, the rural tribes of Tibet, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia have flourished on a morning brew of tea or coffee mixed with Yak butter. This […]

The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan

Ketogenic Diet Lifestyle Grain Brain WhOLE Life Plan Keto Supplements

Getting started on a Ketogenic Diet When you are transitioning to the Ketogenic Diet, this is one of the best books that you can read. Although The Whole Life plan is more of a vey low carb plan, it is an accessible, intelligent read and we absolutely love the emphasis on gut health: something that […]

Which Fats are Healthy Fats?

what can you eat on a ketogenic diet

Not all fats are equal On the ketogenic diet, you derive most of your calories, approximately 70-80% from fat. If you are consuming this much fat, it needs to be healthy, unprocessed and made up of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs). The remainder of your nutritional macros should consist of 10-20% protein and 5% carbs. If […]

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