Category Archives: weight loss

Easy Anti-Ageing Habits: It is all about Cellular Regeneration

Easy Anti-Ageing Habits

Biona Pure Blueberry Juice 330ml Did you know that we are exposed to at least 700,000 up to 2,000,000 environmental toxins each day? These toxins can be found in the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the products we put on our skin.  Combined, the toxins cause cellular degeneration, […]

A Deliciously Nutritious Low Carb, Vegan Summer BBQ: Can you be Vegan Keto?

Can you be Vegan Keto?

A Deliciously Nutritious Low Carb, Vegan Summer BBQ (that promotes anti-aging and weight loss). Want to detox whilst truly enjoying your food? Here are my favourite low carb and plant-based ingredients to whip up a summer BBQ that has antioxidant, antiaging and anti-inflammatory benefits! Can you be Vegan Keto? Yes, you can! Giving yourself a […]

Curb Your Sugar Cravings with this Four Ingredient Keto Jellies Recipe

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Even on a ketogenic or low carb diet, you can still have sweet cravings. The beauty of this easy keto jellies recipe is that the gelatine also contributes to added protein and healthy joints. These are actually really healthy sweet treats that are perfect for making with children. All you need for the Keto Jellies […]

Join the #Aceketo Movement: Get your free Keto Guide

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Reinvigorating the Keto Movement Happy New Year! Has it not been an extraordinarily testing year? I would love to reinvigorate the keto and low carb community this year, as I–as well as most of the world–am missing all of the conferences, meet ups, travel and human connection. Let us reignite 2021in the spirit of health, […]

Alkaline Bone Broth Recipe by Dr Anna Cabeca

Alkaline Bone Broth Recipe by Dr Anna Cabeca

Bone broth is an excellent way of replenishing your electrolytes, increasing your alkalinity and supplementing your collagen intake which is essential for skin and bone health. This recipe has been put together by Dr Anna Cabeca, the Alkaline Keto Doctor, also known as The Girlfriend Doctor. She is a best selling author and an advocate for […]

How to Measure your Urine pH and what it says about your Health

how to measure your urine ph dr anna cabeca

Guest Blog Post by Dr Anna Cabeca: Part 2, What Your Urine pH Says About Your Health How to measure your urine pH. In Part 1,  I discussed the chemistry behind pH in your body and the differences between blood pH, urine pH and the pH effect that different foods have on your body. I also […]

Acidic or Alkaline? What Your pH Says About You

dr anna acabeca Acidic or Alkaline? What Your pH Says About You dr anna cabeca alkaline acidic

Guest post by Dr Anna Cabeca After the release of Dr Anna’s book, The Hormone Fix, she received a lot of questions relating to her recommendation for people to measure their urine pH as a marker of their overall health. I’ve always said, “Test, don’t guess,” when it comes to your health. And testing your […]

The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Ketogenic Diet: Alleviate Joint Pain

keto diet to alleviate joint pain anti-inflammatory ketogenic diet

Can you use the keto diet to alleviate joint pain? Joint pain and arthritis are linked to chronic and acute inflammation—this is when our bodies perceive a constant attack and release cytokines (proteins that regulate immunity and inflammation) to fight off the perceived threat. In the case of joint pain, this literally could be a […]

The Ultimate Body Recompositioning Diet: The Keto Carnivore Cleanse

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A Carnivore Keto Diet for Weight Loss that boosts your energy levels, eliminates inflammation like no other, gives you razor sharp focus, increases your testosterone and libido (hello!) and cuts your body fat.

Exogenous Ketones: A Fast Track to Weight Loss or Just a Fad?

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Can exogenous ketones help you lose weight? There has been a lot of hype about the wonders of exogenous ketones (Beta Hydroxybutyrate aka BHB salts) and their link to weight loss. The American supplement industry is literally exploding with new BHB products being introduced every week…but do they actually work? A quick Google search will pull […]

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