Category Archives: deficiencies on the ketogenic diet

Exogenous Ketone Supplementation: The Lowdown on the Latest Products

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Latest BHB Salts Product Roundup Getting to grips with supplementation for exogenous ketones can be tricky. And with the latest new product releases from Kegenix, Ketologic, Pruvit Keto//OS and Perfect Keto, it can seem even more complicated. So here is the Keto Supplements’ lowdown on the latest ketogenic supplements, what you can use them for, […]

Why we need more Magnesium on the Ketogenic Diet

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Cramps, headaches, dizziness and dehydration are commonly experienced when your body’s electrolytes are depleted Magnesium, potassium and sodium are essential electrolytes for the body to function properly. In particular, when following a ketogenic or very low-carb diet, the importance of replenishing your electrolytes cannot be underestimated. In some respects, the first rule of keto should […]

Are you a Sugar Burner or a Fat Burner?

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What is Ketosis? Did you know that there are two sources of fuel for the body? They are Ketones & Glucose. The ketogenic diet differs to a typical western diet, in which the majority of our energy comes from carbohydrates and sugar. Our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) for energy and we store […]

Five Steps to Ketosis

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5 Steps to Ketosis Step 1: Remove Sugar and Carbohydrates from your Diet All sugars are equal! Sugars and carbohydrates create blood sugar (highs and lows), resulting in increased hunger and fat storage. Sugar also causes inflammation of the gut and also in the joints. Avoid fast foods and processed foods which are high in […]

Are you Making these Common Keto Diet Mistakes?

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Transitioning to a ketogenic lifestyle can come with its own complications. You can make your keto journey so much smoother by being aware of the following: Eat too much protein (more than 20% of your macros) and your body is likely to break down the protein into glucose, which will kick you out of ketosis […]

Are there any Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet?

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Common Downsides to the Ketogenic Diet As you transition to a ketogenic diet, many changes are going to occur in your body. You are literally detoxing and you may experience low energy levels, extreme thirst, an increase in body temperature and acute cravings for bananas (and other high GI foods). Be kind to yourself and […]

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