Author Archives: Sara

Keto Chocolate & Kale Muffins: ‘Meltedy’ Chocolate Heaven!

Keto Chocolate Muffins Recipe

Delicious Keto Chocolate Muffins This is such a healthy treat! They’re filling and delicious – in fact the muffins are so moist and chocolatey that you’ll forget that they’re keto. A great recipe for on the go breakfasts or pairing with a cappuccino or cup of tea. They’re fantastic for children too and for convincing […]

The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Ketogenic Diet: Alleviate Joint Pain

keto diet to alleviate joint pain anti-inflammatory ketogenic diet

Can you use the keto diet to alleviate joint pain? Joint pain and arthritis are linked to chronic and acute inflammation—this is when our bodies perceive a constant attack and release cytokines (proteins that regulate immunity and inflammation) to fight off the perceived threat. In the case of joint pain, this literally could be a […]

The Future of Killer Ingredients: Processed Sugars and Degraded Fats. On Challenging the Processed Food Industry

Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats

Fi Europe Presentation December 2019: Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats  Well, it has been a while since I have written any proper long form content for Keto Supplements and that is not because I have stopped writing—no way! To the contrary I have been building out more extensive keto guides—lots to come–and recently presented at a […]

Cheesy Spinach & Tomato Keto Omelette

Keto Omelette Recipe

This Keto Omelette Recipe is a deliciously filling breakfast that will keep you going well beyond lunchtime! Eggs are one of the most nutrient dense foods and feature heavily in the ketogenic diet – particularly for breakfasts as they are so quick to cook! 100g grated cheddar cheese 1 spring onion 100g spinach 50g butter […]

The Vegetarian Keto Recipe Guide

vegetarian keto recipes

Can you be Vegetarian and Keto? Here are 9 Deliciously simple breakfast, lunch and dinner vegetarian keto recipe guide to get you into ketosis. From fat healthy salads to exquisite avocado combinations and from heart warming soups to delectable cheesy omelettes…we’ve got your vegetarian keto recipes covered! There’s certainly a myth that you can’t be vegetarian and […]

Fat Greek Salad – A Quick Keto Recipe

quick keto recipe

The Quick Keto Recipe Greek salad is a super quick keto recipe that is very delicious, healthy and filling lunch that is reminiscent of dreamy greek island holidays. You can prepare the night before- just save the dressing for the day you’ll be eating otherwise it can go soggy! For extra energy, dress this with […]

Smoked Mackerel Keto Salad with Guacamole

Smoked Mackerel keto Salad recipe with Guacamole

This delicious micronutrient rich keto salad recipe is bursting with heart healthy fats and has a healthy Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. Top Tip: Many of the lunch recipes can be prepared the night before – just leave the dressing until the next day so that your salad leaves remain crisp. 180g mackerel 2 […]

Wild Salmon with Spinach, a Creamy Coconut Curry: A Pescatarian Ketogenic Recipe

Pescatarian Keto Recipe Keto Curry

Talk about food for thought–this pescatarian keto recipe is brain food! In our last post on the Evolutionary Health Conference, we discussed the brain boosting benefits of a pescatarian keto diet as being the ultimate diet for cerebral growth and IQ. The Imperial College Professor Michael Crawford, asserted that a “Ketogenic Diet is far superior […]

The Evolutionary Health Conference: Challenging the Mercury Myth, Exercise as a Cure for Cancer and How Ethical is Current Medical Practice?

Evolutionary Health Conference 2019

The Evolutionary Health Conference, London 2019 What a day! On Saturday 8th June we attended the Evolutionary Health Conference organised by Dr Lynda Frassetto, an expert in using an alkaline diet for anti-aging, and Darryl Edwards, the Fitness Explorer who promotes exercise as preventative medicine. Darryl recently gave a TEDx talk on the epidemic of physical […]

Navigating Keto: What happens when you fall off the keto wagon? Here’s how to get back into Ketosis.

cycle ketogenic diet get back into ketosis after nights out

How can you successfully cycle the ketogenic diet? Following a ketogenic diet isn’t always smooth sailing. There can be many reasons why we fall of the keto wagon: whether it be social events, accidentally eating something that you thought was keto OR deliberately cycling the ketogenic diet.  We believe it’s healthy to cycle the ketogenic […]

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