Tag Archives: ketogenic diet

Seed Oils: A Sinister Ingredient. How do you choose healthy fats for the keto diet?

seed oils

There’s something ubiquitous in our foods, a sinister ingredient prevalent in almost all processed foods, often labelled as heart healthy, vegan, gluten free and even keto friendly. It’s insidious and we unwittingly consume it while it rusts us from the inside out and disrupts our DNA. What I am talking about is seed oils. This […]

Keto Chicken Salad Recipe: Avocado Lettuce Wraps with Rainbow Slaw

Keto Chicken Salad Recipe

Here is a Delicious Keto Chicken Salad Recipe, Perfect for Summer Lunches and Dinners Chicken avocado lettuce wraps with salad and rainbow slaw. These beautiful wraps are crunchy, fresh and delicious. They are easy to make, perfect for packing up for a picnic and perfect for sharing with your friends too. 💛 Chicken thigh fillets […]

Why go Low Carb? What are the benefits of a low carb diet?

Benefits of a low carb diet

One of the main benefits of a low carb diet is the lack of sugar. In a nutshell, eating sugar causes blood sugar fluctuations, causing your energy levels to suddenly increase and then drop down.This can cause mood swings, low energy levels and fatigue. High sugar levels are also linked to inflammation and chronic disease. […]

Pili Nut Keto Loaf Recipe: Warming, Subtly Sweet Delight

fluffy keto loaf recipe

Something between a Savoury and Sweet Loaf; it’s not as dense as your usual keto loaf and actually quite light like a cake, yet has the delicious creamy crunch from the pili nuts. A happy accident! Well, I love Pili Nuts! They are the creamiest most delicious nuts that are incredibly high fat and perfect […]

Easy Keto Bread Recipe: With Kale and Warming Fennel Seeds

Easy Keto Bread Recipe Keto Supplements paleo low carb bread with kale

Well, this lock down period has given me a lot more time to experiment with low carb recipes and get baking. Usually, I am quite lazy and just buy Cru8’s delicious paleo low carb bread—but with the extra time on my hands, this morning I made a glorious loaf of high protein kale keto bread—an […]

The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Ketogenic Diet: Alleviate Joint Pain

keto diet to alleviate joint pain anti-inflammatory ketogenic diet

Can you use the keto diet to alleviate joint pain? Joint pain and arthritis are linked to chronic and acute inflammation—this is when our bodies perceive a constant attack and release cytokines (proteins that regulate immunity and inflammation) to fight off the perceived threat. In the case of joint pain, this literally could be a […]

The Future of Killer Ingredients: Processed Sugars and Degraded Fats. On Challenging the Processed Food Industry

Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats

Fi Europe Presentation December 2019: Sara Aguilar Healthy Fats  Well, it has been a while since I have written any proper long form content for Keto Supplements and that is not because I have stopped writing—no way! To the contrary I have been building out more extensive keto guides—lots to come–and recently presented at a […]

Fat Greek Salad – A Quick Keto Recipe

quick keto recipe

The Quick Keto Recipe Greek salad is a super quick keto recipe that is very delicious, healthy and filling lunch that is reminiscent of dreamy greek island holidays. You can prepare the night before- just save the dressing for the day you’ll be eating otherwise it can go soggy! For extra energy, dress this with […]

The Evolutionary Health Conference: Challenging the Mercury Myth, Exercise as a Cure for Cancer and How Ethical is Current Medical Practice?

Evolutionary Health Conference 2019

The Evolutionary Health Conference, London 2019 What a day! On Saturday 8th June we attended the Evolutionary Health Conference organised by Dr Lynda Frassetto, an expert in using an alkaline diet for anti-aging, and Darryl Edwards, the Fitness Explorer who promotes exercise as preventative medicine. Darryl recently gave a TEDx talk on the epidemic of physical […]

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