Tag Archives: bhb salts

How do Real Ketones, Perfect Keto and Keto Sports exogenous ketones compare? What is the best keto supplement?

What is the best keto supplement

It had been quiet for a while, with few new releases in exogenous ketone supplements. But recently, Real Ketones have revamped and massively increased their product offering. What is the best keto supplement? Real Ketones have released ‘Prime D+’, the Ketone Weight Loss Sticks, Caffeinated BHB Salts and stand-alone BHB salts. Getting creative, Real Ketones […]

Exogenous Ketones: A Fast Track to Weight Loss or Just a Fad?

Can exogenous ketones help you lose weight fat loss keto diet pruvit keto os

Can exogenous ketones help you lose weight? There has been a lot of hype about the wonders of exogenous ketones (Beta Hydroxybutyrate aka BHB salts) and their link to weight loss. The American supplement industry is literally exploding with new BHB products being introduced every week…but do they actually work? A quick Google search will pull […]

Exogenous Ketone Supplementation: The Lowdown on the Latest Products

how to use exogenous ketones why use exogenous ketones bhb salts

Latest BHB Salts Product Roundup Getting to grips with supplementation for exogenous ketones can be tricky. And with the latest new product releases from Kegenix, Ketologic, Pruvit Keto//OS and Perfect Keto, it can seem even more complicated. So here is the Keto Supplements’ lowdown on the latest ketogenic supplements, what you can use them for, […]

The Christmas Story behind Keto Supplements

the ketogenic diet and epilepsy keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you ever want to know why we created Keto Supplements? In 2012, Francisco started to have random seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The doctors and neurologists prescribed medication. And thinking that doctors are right, Francisco started taking it. However, the medication had horrible side effects that included depression, fatigue and headaches. In addition, […]

Five Steps to Ketosis

5 steps to ketosis ketogenic diet plan

5 Steps to Ketosis Step 1: Remove Sugar and Carbohydrates from your Diet All sugars are equal! Sugars and carbohydrates create blood sugar (highs and lows), resulting in increased hunger and fat storage. Sugar also causes inflammation of the gut and also in the joints. Avoid fast foods and processed foods which are high in […]

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