Category Archives: Sleep

When Not to Follow a Ketogenic Diet: Is the Keto Diet For Everyone?

when not to follow a ketogenic diet sara alam keto supplements

Is Keto For Everyone? Pros & Cons of the Keto Diet Hi there, I’m Sara Alam, an Anthropologist, Sports Nutritionist and Low Carb Enthusiast. I founded Keto Supplements in 2017, initially sourcing supplements to alleviate a loved one’s epilepsy. I am passionate about fusing the best of ancestral wisdom with modern day medicine to optimise […]

Easy Anti-Ageing Habits: It is all about Cellular Regeneration

Easy Anti-Ageing Habits

Biona Pure Blueberry Juice 330ml Did you know that we are exposed to at least 700,000 up to 2,000,000 environmental toxins each day? These toxins can be found in the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the products we put on our skin.  Combined, the toxins cause cellular degeneration, […]

What can we Learn from Ancestral Living to Benefit our Modern Lives?

ancestral living

‘Our future as a species essentially lies in our past.’- Nora Gedgaudas Shared Ancestral Living blog post from Hunter & Gather Foods This blog sums up some of the interesting differences between a day in the life of our ancestors and a modern-day life for us humans. But don’t worry there are also some handy […]

Slept for Eight hours but still Tired? Is there a Substitute for Sleep? How to Improve your Sleep?

how to improve sleep

Nothing can replace a good night’s sleep, here is how to improve your sleep: Without sufficient sleep, we can’t perform at our best. It’s not just the length of your sleep that counts, it’s the quality and type of sleep that you need to rest your body, repair your mind and absorb the learning from […]

Cultivate the Mindset & Endurance of an Ironman Champion with Mihai Vigariu

Mihai Vigariu

“Not to prove them wrong but to prove myself that I am capable” In this episode of the Curveball Architecture podcast, I was thrilled to interview the fastest heavyweight Kona Athlete, Mihai Vigariu. Mihai has been a keto advocate for years and has been tracking his health data and optimising his performance with an array […]

The Flu Guide: 5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity

boost your immunity

Let’s face it, we are experiencing a global frenzy right now. Here are five tips to increase your immunity and help you to avoid catching any nasties…COVID-19. 1.     Get adequate, quality sleep. Without good sleep our bodies fail to recover, making us more susceptible to illness and infections. 2.     Consume more foods that contain immune boosting properties and antioxidants, such […]

The Evolutionary Health Conference: Challenging the Mercury Myth, Exercise as a Cure for Cancer and How Ethical is Current Medical Practice?

Evolutionary Health Conference 2019

The Evolutionary Health Conference, London 2019 What a day! On Saturday 8th June we attended the Evolutionary Health Conference organised by Dr Lynda Frassetto, an expert in using an alkaline diet for anti-aging, and Darryl Edwards, the Fitness Explorer who promotes exercise as preventative medicine. Darryl recently gave a TEDx talk on the epidemic of physical […]

Healing Circadian Rhythms With Our Favourite Winter Hack: Red Light Therapy

red light therapy sad biohack

Now that the clocks have gone back, we are officially entering the darker season as the shorter days of a long winter loom ahead of us. Our body clocks tell us that it is time to take heed, hibernate and rest. However, the twenty-four-seven demands of the modern world moves on around us completely out […]

Is there a Substitute for Sleep?

sleep supplements

Nothing can replace a good night’s sleep Without sufficient sleep, we can’t perform at our best. Often, the lives that we live don’t allow for adequate rest. And yet, when we do have the opportunity to rest, it can be associated with being lazy. On a personal level, I sometimes have trouble distinguishing between being […]

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