Tag Archives: biohacking

An Ancestral Diet: A New Approach to the Ketogenic Diet

ancestral diet ketogenic approach sara alam sara aguilar

Here is An Ancestral Diet Approach to the Ketogenic Lifestyle: This text is based on my presentation at the Keto Festival in Bristol from March 2022.  How we can use ancestral wisdom to cultivate a healthy, flexible and wholefoods approach to the ketogenic diet: an ancestral diet, and by wholefoods I do not mean grains.  […]

Optimise Your Productivity and Focus: 11 Sterling Strategies to GSD

strategies to Improve productivity and focus

Improve Productivity and Focus, especially when working from home. After consulting with the experts and reading countless books, we have collated 11 of our Favourite Strategies to Optimise your Productivity During this challenging time, many of you will now be working from home. Without being fully connected to your colleagues and management team, how can […]

Become Limitless: What are Nootropics and do they actually work?

the best nootropoics for focus

What are Nootropics? How can you benefit from them? Nootropics, also known as ‘smart drugs’ or ‘brain boosters’ are natural and synthetic supplements that enhance cognitive function. They are known to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation. In this article we will outline the top 10 nootropics for cognitive focus and energy, as well […]

Healing Circadian Rhythms With Our Favourite Winter Hack: Red Light Therapy

red light therapy sad biohack

Now that the clocks have gone back, we are officially entering the darker season as the shorter days of a long winter loom ahead of us. Our body clocks tell us that it is time to take heed, hibernate and rest. However, the twenty-four-seven demands of the modern world moves on around us completely out […]

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