Category Archives: Keto Recipes

Discover deliciously satiating keto recipes that are so easy to make. The keto diet can be a breeze to follow when you have a variety of recipes that taste great and do not require copious amounts of time and energy to put together.

A simple formula for building a ketogenic meal is to include:

Source of Protein + Green Vegetable + Healthy Fats

For example:

Wild Caught Salmon + Asparagus + Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Eggs + Spinach + Cheese + Ghee

Smoked Mackerel + Salad Leaves + Feta Cheese +Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Steak + Courgette + Butter

Add mineral salt, herbs and spices to replenish your electrolytes and add flavour.

It really is that simple. Have a look at the Keto Recipes below and check out the Keto Recipe Meal Plan Guides for a comprehensive introduction to ketogenic and low carb eating.

Want to know more about Healthy Fats and sources of Protein and Low Carb Vegetables for the ketogenic diet? Read more here.

Exogenous Ketone Supplementation: The Lowdown on the Latest Products

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Latest BHB Salts Product Roundup Getting to grips with supplementation for exogenous ketones can be tricky. And with the latest new product releases from Kegenix, Ketologic, Pruvit Keto//OS and Perfect Keto, it can seem even more complicated. So here is the Keto Supplements’ lowdown on the latest ketogenic supplements, what you can use them for, […]

On Sweeteners for the Ketogenic Diet: Which ones can you trust and which ones should you avoid? Guest Blog Post from KetoGenius!

sweeteners for the ketogenic diet ketogenius

Which sweeteners are ideal for the ketogenic diet? This month we would love to introduce you to our guest bloggers: Mark & Avni from KetoGenius who create amazing ketogenic snack boxes with every imaginable delicious healthy ketogenic snack available! Use code KETOSUPPLEMENTS for 10% off your order  :-). Aspartame – One of the most popular artificial […]

Who says you can’t have desserts on keto?

keto cookie recipe

Following a ketogenic diet does not mean that you have to miss out on sweet treats. In fact, there is an abundance of delicious high fat, no sugar keto desserts that will crush your sugar cravings. You’ll find that once you start getting creative, your desserts will beat the sugar-laden treats you have had in […]

Easter Survival Guide: How to Survive Easter on the Ketogenic Diet!

How to survive Easter on the ketogenic diet easter survival guide for the ketogenic diet chocolate keto

When you love chocolate but you’re trying to stay in ketosis! As recovering chocoholics, we have always looked forward to Easter. But this will be our first Easter on the ketogenic diet and we have been a little bit worried about how to handle it. The good news is that dark chocolate fits the ketogenic […]

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