Category Archives: keto diet mental health

When Not to Follow a Ketogenic Diet: Is the Keto Diet For Everyone?

when not to follow a ketogenic diet sara alam keto supplements

Is Keto For Everyone? Pros & Cons of the Keto Diet Hi there, I’m Sara Alam, an Anthropologist, Sports Nutritionist and Low Carb Enthusiast. I founded Keto Supplements in 2017, initially sourcing supplements to alleviate a loved one’s epilepsy. I am passionate about fusing the best of ancestral wisdom with modern day medicine to optimise […]

The Brain Building Salad: Synaptogenic Nutrients in a Bowl: Foods for Concussion Recovery

foods for concussion recovery tbi dha keto supplements

Have you had concussion or a brain injury? Or would you like to optimise your cognitive function? Would you like to discover the science behind these foods for concussion recovery? If so, this easy recipe is for you. This salad is packed with neuro-protective and neuro-regenerative ingredients (foods for concussion recovery) which support synaptogenesis. Synaptogenesis […]

Alleviating Anxiety: Can the Ketogenic Diet help?

Keto Diet Anxiety

Is the Ketogenic Diet a Metabolic Therapy for Neurological Issues? From fast fat loss to alleviating seizures, and from sharpened cognitive function to increased physical energy, the ketogenic diet is infamous for an abundance of reasons. However, the ketogenic diet can also support our mental health by balancing out our moods. This is primarily because […]

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