Tag Archives: cycling the ketogenic diet

When Not to Follow a Ketogenic Diet: Is the Keto Diet For Everyone?

when not to follow a ketogenic diet sara alam keto supplements

Is Keto For Everyone? Pros & Cons of the Keto Diet Hi there, I’m Sara Alam, an Anthropologist, Sports Nutritionist and Low Carb Enthusiast. I founded Keto Supplements in 2017, initially sourcing supplements to alleviate a loved one’s epilepsy. I am passionate about fusing the best of ancestral wisdom with modern day medicine to optimise […]

Health Shouldn’t be so Complicated: How can we make the ‘right’ choices for our bodies and minds?

Is the keto diet healthy

Is the Keto Diet Healthy? I get asked a lot of questions about health, what to eat, what not to eat and when to eat. It saddens me that so many people go to great lengths to follow mainstream advice that actually harms them instead of improving their health and vitality. Advice which is often […]

Navigating Keto: What happens when you fall off the keto wagon? Here’s how to get back into Ketosis.

cycle ketogenic diet get back into ketosis after nights out

How can you successfully cycle the ketogenic diet? Following a ketogenic diet isn’t always smooth sailing. There can be many reasons why we fall of the keto wagon: whether it be social events, accidentally eating something that you thought was keto OR deliberately cycling the ketogenic diet.  We believe it’s healthy to cycle the ketogenic […]

The Ketogenic Diet: Getting back on track after the Festive Season

ketogenic diet keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you have a break from keto? How many of you had a break from Keto? We certainly did! It seemed like such a blasphemy not to indulge in all the Christmas treats. But there were certainly consequences, and now, it’s time to get back into the heavenly lucid state of ketosis! Leading up to […]

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