Category Archives: healthy fats

Five Steps to Ketosis

5 steps to ketosis ketogenic diet plan

5 Steps to Ketosis Step 1: Remove Sugar and Carbohydrates from your Diet All sugars are equal! Sugars and carbohydrates create blood sugar (highs and lows), resulting in increased hunger and fat storage. Sugar also causes inflammation of the gut and also in the joints. Avoid fast foods and processed foods which are high in […]

Are you Making these Common Keto Diet Mistakes?

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Transitioning to a ketogenic lifestyle can come with its own complications. You can make your keto journey so much smoother by being aware of the following: Eat too much protein (more than 20% of your macros) and your body is likely to break down the protein into glucose, which will kick you out of ketosis […]

Ketogenic Superfoods! The Top 5 Foods for a Well Formulated Ketogenic Diet

Healthy fats for a well formulated ketogenic diet avcado eggs leafy greens

These are the Top 5 Ketogenic Superfoods essential for a well-formulated ketogenic diet. The King of the Keto Superfoods! Full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibre. Avocados are high in potassium, which makes them great for replenishing your electrolytes! Learn to Love Eggs! Did you know that you can’t absorb all the goodness from the […]

What’s the deal with Fat Coffee?

fat coffee

Fat Coffee, Butter Coffee, Bulletproof Coffee, Brain Coffee, MCT Coffee: So many recipes! Why add fat to your coffee? There is nothing new about Butter Coffee or Butter Tea. For centuries, the rural tribes of Tibet, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia have flourished on a morning brew of tea or coffee mixed with Yak butter. This […]

Which Fats are Healthy Fats?

what can you eat on a ketogenic diet

Not all fats are equal On the ketogenic diet, you derive most of your calories, approximately 70-80% from fat. If you are consuming this much fat, it needs to be healthy, unprocessed and made up of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs). The remainder of your nutritional macros should consist of 10-20% protein and 5% carbs. If […]

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