Category Archives: ketogenic diet and epilepsy

The Evolutionary Health Conference: Challenging the Mercury Myth, Exercise as a Cure for Cancer and How Ethical is Current Medical Practice?

Evolutionary Health Conference 2019

The Evolutionary Health Conference, London 2019 What a day! On Saturday 8th June we attended the Evolutionary Health Conference organised by Dr Lynda Frassetto, an expert in using an alkaline diet for anti-aging, and Darryl Edwards, the Fitness Explorer who promotes exercise as preventative medicine. Darryl recently gave a TEDx talk on the epidemic of physical […]

The Christmas Story behind Keto Supplements

the ketogenic diet and epilepsy keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you ever want to know why we created Keto Supplements? In 2012, Francisco started to have random seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The doctors and neurologists prescribed medication. And thinking that doctors are right, Francisco started taking it. However, the medication had horrible side effects that included depression, fatigue and headaches. In addition, […]

What is Ketosis and what is the Ketogenic Diet?

what is ketosis and what is the ketogenic diet?

What is Ketosis and what is the ketogenic diet? Did you know that there are two sources of fuel for the body? Ketones & Glucose. The ketogenic diet differs to a typical western diet, in which the majority of our energy comes from carbohydrates and sugar. Our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) for […]

Are you a Sugar Burner or a Fat Burner?

what is ketosis? keto supplements ketogenicc diet

What is Ketosis? Did you know that there are two sources of fuel for the body? They are Ketones & Glucose. The ketogenic diet differs to a typical western diet, in which the majority of our energy comes from carbohydrates and sugar. Our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) for energy and we store […]

Can the Ketogenic Diet prevent Cancer?

dominic d'agostino can the ketogenic diet prevent cancer

Dominic D’Agostino on Starving Cancer Cells Did you know that sugar can feed cancer cells? So, can the ketogenic diet prevent cancer? Dominic D’Agostino is a leading researcher in ketogenic and metabolic studies. In his Ted Talk, he concisely explains the detrimental impact sugar can have. Dominic illustrates how sugar creates neurological spikes in the […]

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