Tag Archives: can the ketogenic diet prevent cancer

Are you Making these Common Keto Diet Mistakes?

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Transitioning to a ketogenic lifestyle can come with its own complications. You can make your keto journey so much smoother by being aware of the following: Eat too much protein (more than 20% of your macros) and your body is likely to break down the protein into glucose, which will kick you out of ketosis […]

Can the Ketogenic Diet prevent Cancer?

dominic d'agostino can the ketogenic diet prevent cancer

Dominic D’Agostino on Starving Cancer Cells Did you know that sugar can feed cancer cells? So, can the ketogenic diet prevent cancer? Dominic D’Agostino is a leading researcher in ketogenic and metabolic studies. In his Ted Talk, he concisely explains the detrimental impact sugar can have. Dominic illustrates how sugar creates neurological spikes in the […]

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