Cultivate the Mindset & Endurance of an Ironman Champion with Mihai Vigariu

Mihai Vigariu

“Not to prove them wrong but to prove myself that I am capable”

In this episode of the Curveball Architecture podcast, I was thrilled to interview the fastest heavyweight Kona Athlete, Mihai Vigariu. Mihai has been a keto advocate for years and has been tracking his health data and optimising his performance with an array of health technology. He enthuses everything he does with an incredible energy and is a true inspiration.

We discuss how to cultivate the mindset and endurance of a champion athlete, the supplements he uses to support his energy and recovery, how he has used the ketogenic diet to optimise his physical performance and success in competition and training. Mihai is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Where does Mihai’s formidable energy and spirit come from? (0:52)
  • How does Mihai Vigariu embody positivity? (2:52)
  • When Mihai feels drained, how does he re-energise? (7:31)
  • How did Mihai originally find out about the Keto diet? (10:51)
  • What he advises for people new to the Keto diet? (17:02)
  • The different approaches for women and men on the Ketogenic diet (19:00)
  • How does he fuel a long run? (30:27)
  • What hacks, supplements and tricks does Mihai use to optimise his sleep and recovery? (43:33)
  • What has been Mihai’s biggest curveball Mihai and how was he able to overcome it? (1:10:33)

Links & resources mentioned in this episode:

Mihai’s Quotes:

“I’ve had high expectations and I’ve always set challenging targets for myself not only sports but also in my professional life and in my academic life so I think I don’t want to sound like a cliche now but if you just set your mind to low targets and you hit low, this is what you get whereas you should you dream for the stars and blend on the moon” 

“There were times that I was not supported by people because they’re not believing in my dreams and in my expectations. In a way maybe this was a bigger trigger that got me even more involved.” 

“When you achieve a challenge it’s like unlocking the gate to a new level and then you have another challenge. This is how you grow as a person.” 

“The more you cultivate positivity on a daily basis, the more you have.” 

“If you don’t use technology wisely then it will affect your sleep.” 

“You need to look inside because healing actually starts from the inside. You need to heal yourself from the inside then you actually see the results outside.” 

“Try to be more cautious of what you’ve been doing differently.” 

“The biggest obstacle was me. My mind, my thoughts.”

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