Vegan Keto Snack Guide

Vegan Keto Snacks Guide

How do you know which snacks are keto and vegan friendly?

There are many simple keto snacks that you can enjoy; from nuts to low-carb veggies, and from creamy avocado and vegan keto cheese dips to olives and keto crackers.

Keto Vegetables

Celery, Cucumber and Green Peppers are the lowest carb veggies that you can use for dipping.

vegn keto snacks guide
Image from DietDoctor

Keto Friendly Nuts

There are higher carb nuts such as cashews and peanuts (which are legumes but often thought of as nuts), and it is best to avoid these. The highest fat nuts are Pili Nuts and Macadamias.

Have you ever wondered which nuts are low carb enough to eat on keto?

Here’s our list of the top 8 low-carb nuts, ranked by the amount of carbs (from low carb to high carb):

  1. Pili Nuts -100g contains 4 grams of total carbs
  2. Pecan nuts – 100g contains 4g of net carbs.
  3. Brazil nuts – 100g contains 4g of net carbs.
  4. Macadamia – 100g contains 5g of net carbs.
  5. Peanuts – 100g contains 7g of net carbs.
  6. Hazelnuts – 100g contains 7g of net carbs.
  7. Walnuts – 100g contains 7g of net carbs.
  8. Almonds – 100g contains 10g of net carbs. Almonds can also be ground into almond flour. It is a fantastic substitute for high-carb flours, and it’s used in many low carb pizza and baking recipes – just like coconut flour.
  9. Cashew nuts (NOT KETO) – 100g contains a whopping 27g of carbs!

Top Vegan Keto Snacks

Here’s the most popular vegan and dairy-free keto snack bars, chocolates and ‘sweets’ around:

Vegan Keto Snacks Pantry

The ingredients you need to create your own vegan keto snacks and meals:

Create a delicious ketone elevating chocolate smoothie:

All you need are the following ingredients:

  • Ripe Avocado
  • 1 tbsp Cacao Powder
  • Stevia to taste
  • MCT Powder
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp mineral salt


  1. Scoop the flesh out of the avocado and blend with all the ingredients
  2. Serve and enjoy!

Get Your Vegan Keto Meal Plan

Just click here or on the image below to get your vegan keto meal plan with 9 deliciously simple breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes to get you into ketosis.

Vegan Keto Snacks Dairy Free Keto ideas

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