Easy Keto Bread Recipe: With Kale and Warming Fennel Seeds

Easy Keto Bread Recipe Keto Supplements paleo low carb bread with kale

Keto Kale Bread Recipe: Saturday Morning Baking

Well, this lock down period has given me a lot more time to experiment with low carb recipes and get baking.

Usually, I am quite lazy and just buy Cru8’s delicious paleo low carb bread—but with the extra time on my hands, this morning I made a glorious loaf of high protein kale keto bread—an easy keto bread recipe—that is paleo, super low carb and gluten free. It doesn’t actually take that long in preparation time, just 5-10 minutes. You will need to leave it baking for at least 60-80 minutes.

Makes approximately 12-16 slices—depending on how thickly you slice it!
Preparation time: 10 minutes, Baking time: 80 minutes


6 eggs—We managed to buy eggs which was a heaven send!
3 tbsp psyllium husk
150ml Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil of Extra Virgin Olive Oil—I used the award winning @hunterandgatherfoods avocado oil—it’s exquisite!
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tbsp of chia seeds
2 cups of kale—I went all out on the Kale!
1 tsp pink salt
200g coconut flour
2-3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tsp honey—optional
1tbsp mixed herbs
1 tbsp fennel seeds—this is optional, I just wanted to create a warm, spicy flavour.


1. Set the oven to 190 degrees Celsius and line a loaf tray with parchment paper.
2. Blend all of the ingredients in a blender, except the eggs and sunflower seeds.
3. Whisk the eggs in a bowl until fluffy and stir in the majority of the sunflower seeds, leave some of the seeds for topping.
4. Pour the blended ingredients into the bowl with the eggs and stir until fully combined.
5. If the mixture seems too thick, add 2-3 tbsp of water, but you do want a thick, well combined consistency. It should not be watery or too liquid.
6. Pour the mixture into the baking loaf and use a spatula or the flat edge of a knife to evenly distribute the mixture.
7. Sprinkle over the remaining sunflower seeds.
8. Cover the loaf tin with kitchen foil and bake in middle of the oven for 20 minutes.
9. After 20 minutes, remove the foil and drop the oven temperature down to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for another 50-60 minutes.
10. Remove from the oven and pierce the bread with a skewer or knife, if it comes out clean then the bread is baked. If not, then retrun the loaf to the oven for another 10 minutes.
11. Allow to cool and serve.

Get Creative with this Easy Keto Bread Recipe!

By serving with your favourite toppings: poached eggs and avocado; cream cheese and smoked salmon; stevia jam @goodgood and nut butter @pipandnut; or stevia jam and cream…or simply spread some salted butter on the freshly baked bread and bite in!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. Tag photos of your keto bread creations with me over @ketosupplements on Instagram.

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