Category Archives: ketone readers

Join the #Aceketo Movement: Get your free Keto Guide

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Reinvigorating the Keto Movement Happy New Year! Has it not been an extraordinarily testing year? I would love to reinvigorate the keto and low carb community this year, as I–as well as most of the world–am missing all of the conferences, meet ups, travel and human connection. Let us reignite 2021in the spirit of health, […]

How do you know if you are in Ketosis?

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How to measure your ketone levels So, how do you know if you’re in ketosis? Once you become fat-adapted, and are regularly in ketosis, you often feel a surge of energy, mental clarity, a nootropic effect or sense of balance. However, these are feelings and to get an accurate and scientific reading, you will need […]

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