Tag Archives: hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with the ketogenic diet

Smoked Mackerel Keto Salad with Guacamole

Smoked Mackerel keto Salad recipe with Guacamole

This delicious micronutrient rich keto salad recipe is bursting with heart healthy fats and has a healthy Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. Top Tip: Many of the lunch recipes can be prepared the night before – just leave the dressing until the next day so that your salad leaves remain crisp. 180g mackerel 2 […]

The Lowdown on Paleo FX and Essential Biohacks for 2018

essential biohacks for 2018

We are still reeling from the incredible Paleo FX conference in Austin in which the leading health innovators, authors and influencers unite to share the latest in functional health, fitness and nutrition. It was an absolute blast and a real hub for biohackers, fitness enthusiasts and high fat low carb followers—we felt like we found […]

Take a Deep Breath: How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the Ketogenic Diet can Heal your Body

benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the ketogenic diet

Are there benefits to combining hyperbaric oxygen therapy with the ketogenic diet? Jake had been diagnosed with a fatal spinal and brain tumour, the doctors said he had only one day to live. They advised that he should rest and die in the comfort of his own home. His mother insisted on taking him to […]

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