A Frank Discussion on a Controversial Topic: T1D and Keto

T1d and Keto is it safe?

T1D and Keto: Is it Safe?

You’ve got Type 1 Diabetes. You have been told NOT to follow a low carb diet. Is it safe to try a ketogenic or low carb diet? This is a very frank and honest discussion between Hanna Boethius, @hannadiabetesexpert and Easha Alam, @t1d.easha.

Hanna and Easha were both diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the very young ages of 2 and 6, respectively.

Always having been advised to follow a high carb diet and ‘cover the sugar up with insulin’ Hanna and Easha have gone against their nutritionists’ and doctors’ advice and experimented with low carb, keto and even carnivore diets.

However, Easha has only been experimenting with low carb for about a year, whereas Hanna celebrates her 10 years of low carb this year as she has found her own path to true health, whilst travelling the world and advocating for a low carb approach to diabetes.

In this episode, Easha asks Hanna all of her questions regarding managing diabetes with a low carb approach and the struggle of going against the mainstream advice.

Despite losing 30kg, significantly decreasing her A1C and reducing her average daily insulin from 80 units to 30 units a day, Easha’s diabetes nurse advises her not to continue a keto diet.

Watch the TD1 and Keto Discussion:

We also discuss:

  • Insulin intake and exercise.
  • The value of a CGM
  • Wearing an insulin pump
  • The effect of hot weather on blood sugar levels
  • Alcohol & hypos: why they happen
  • How to challenge your doctor’s advice

Hanna’s top tips for success with T1D and Keto:

  1. Keep it simple
  2. It’s all about the mindset—what is your why?
  3. Be flexible, diet is not a dogma!

How can you take ownership of your own health? Hanna shows us how! Hanna is a wealth of knowledge on the subject and you can find out more about Hanna here: @hannadiaebetesexpert and @lowcarbuniverse.

Keep up to date with us on Instragram @ketosupplements.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information available from Keto Supplements Ltd and anyone featured in the video are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before changing your diet and lifestyle or from adding any new supplements to your daily regimen. We are not doctors and this is not medical advice. Keto Supplements Ltd and Sara Aguilar take no responsibility for your actions or health following information found at Keto Supplements Ltd or Sara Aguilar’s social media pages.

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