The Christmas Story behind Keto Supplements

the ketogenic diet and epilepsy keto supplements exogenous ketones

Did you ever want to know why we created Keto Supplements?

In 2012, Francisco started to have random seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The doctors and neurologists prescribed medication. And thinking that doctors are right, Francisco started taking it.

However, the medication had horrible side effects that included depression, fatigue and headaches. In addition, they didn’t prevent his seizures either. So Francisco was suffering through all of these side effects yet still having seizures!

At the end of 2015, we became interested in biohacking and found Dom D’Agostino’s work and a wealth of research on the ketogenic diet being used for preventing seizures in children in the 1920s. Francisco was inspired and immediately commenced the ketogenic diet. In support, I decided to join him in keto and we both experienced tremendous benefits. This includes higher energy levels and sharper focus—as well as getting to eat copious amounts of delicious fatty foods!

Since then, Francisco has not had any seizures and the positive side effects of the ketogenic diet have buffered the negative side effects of the medication!

It begs the question: Shouldn’t the ketogenic diet be the first recourse instead of medication?

Exogenous Ketones as a Christmas Present

Towards the end of 2016, I wanted to get Francisco exogenous ketones as a Christmas present. Having watched the Dom D’Agostino talk on how exogenous ketones can prevent seizures in deep sea divers—it occurred to me that the ketones could be an incredible fall-back option for Francisco. Perhaps he could have carbs and treats on occasion but not worry too much about having a seizure. But they were hard to find in the UK. And in February 2017, I had a light bulb moment whilst listening to a James Altucher podcast— and exclaimed to Francisco: ‘Let’s import exogenous ketones because we cannot be the only people in the UK looking for them!’ And so Keto Supplements was born.

Without you, we wouldn’t be here

And we are tremendously grateful to all of you, for your support, for reading our blogs and for joining us on this incredible journey. So, from the bottom of our hearts we Thank You.  

Listen to the Podcast

We are thrilled to have been featured on Tony Wrighton’s Zestology podcast. If you are based in the UK and interested in Biohacking, joining the London Biohacker group is a must!

You can listen to the podcast below – We’re on from minute 13:25.


Would you like to be featured in a Keto Supplements blog?

Have you had a similar experience? We would love to hear your stories on how the ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones have helped you. Why did you try the ketogenic diet? How did you find out about it and how have you benefited? Let us know by commenting below if you’d like to get involved and be featured on our blog pages.

Thank you for reading!

Sara & Francisco

2 thoughts on “The Christmas Story behind Keto Supplements

  1. louhermelin says:

    Hi, I have a question… is it ok to take collagen with MCT Powder and thePerfect Keto Base in the morning and a soup spoon of MCT oil ‘? or it it to much ? I am a women to 68 on the Keto Diet and IF since 7 month because I have breast cancer with metastasis in liver , kidneys spine and hip . and was operated with gama knife in august of a small brain tumour . my tumors have reduced a lot….
    thank you

    • Sara says:

      Hi Lou, I would recommend starting with a half portion of each jut to see how your digestion copes. I would also recommend speaking to your doctor for advice. I really wish you the best recovery possible. I would suggest reading The Ketogenic Kitchen by Domini Kemp and Patricia Daly as they used a low carb diet to support their recoveries from cancer.

      All the best, Sara

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