Keto Festival UK: Round up of the Birmingham Show

keto festival uk sara alam

I love the Keto Festival

Have any of you been to a Keto Festival in the UK?

I’m honoured to speak at the conference and exhibit too. I absolutely loved speaking at the Keto Festival on Sunday in Birmingham.

What an incredibly friendly and enthusiastic crowd and so many brilliant keto friendly brands. It really is wonderful getting to meet so many of you in person. ❤️

I discussed an important talk titled:

Keto 101: The Good, the Basics and the Ugly. Everything you need to know to follow a healthy keto diet.” Because following a high fat, low carb diet sounds simple but it can be a confusing nightmare too. I aimed to teach listeners the basic principles to following a healthy ketogenic diet, how to read food labels, navigate through food marketing spiel and to avoid ‘hidden nasties’.

Diet is not Dogma

I really wanted to reiterate that there are so many good and bad ways to do keto and that we need to go beyond macronutrients and really consider that nutrient value of the food that we consume, regardless of the macros. I love to remind people that diet is NOT dogma and that stressing about nutrition can negatively impact our health.

I received some wonderful feedback after the talk which really made my day and gave me a great opportunity to meet my Keto Festival audience properly.

Ideal Day

I also loved meeting all the new keto brands and hanging out with Adam Parker, who did a talk on Liver Detox and also runs the Your Ideal Day podcast that I highly recommend.

New brands that really stood out, included the:

Panda Keto Kitchen who make paleo and keto approved baked goods, from keto wraps to buns to cakes. The Sweet Keto Chef makes a divine range of luxury chocolates and the most delicious plum jam I have ever tasted. Fudi really impressed me with their seed oil free condiments–an absolute necessary if you want to optimise your diet. It was lovely to catch up with Keto Hana, if you haven’t tried their keto granola, you must! And Neutrient make a a tasteless collagen that really blends into anything without changing the texture or flavour–I enjoyed it stirred up with cream in my morning London Nootropics Coffee.

Join us next year at the Keto Festival in Bristol in February!

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