Lazy Keto Brunch Recipe: Baked Eggs in Coconut Milk with Rainbow Chard

Keto Brunch Recipe

Enjoy this Lazy Keto Brunch Recipe with a cup of Antioxidant Rich Purity Coffee

Baked eggs in coconut milk with rainbow chard. Looking for Sunday brunch inspiration? This is a delicious Sunday brunch feast perfect for sharing with your loved ones. Nourishing, hearty and comforting this is sure to be enjoyed by the entire family.

💛 Eggs are incredibly nutritious. They are an excellent source of protein and they are a complete food in themselves. They are rich in the antioxidant lutein which is good for your eye health, rich in vitamin B12 and are a great source of amino acids too.

💛 Coconut is rich in manganese which is essential for your bone health. It is high in antioxidants, healthy fats, amino acids and fibre helping to contribute to blood sugar balance.

💛 Rainbow chard is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, calcium and magnesium. It’s also high in antioxidants which fight free radicals in your body.

💛 Purity Coffee is the most antioxidant rich, toxin free coffee in the world that is low in caffeine, absolutely delicious and great for your health.

Keto Brunch Recipe

Keto Brunch Recipe Ingredients
– 2 tablespoons butter, cut into small cubes and extra to grease pan
– 1.5 cups coconut cream
– 10 eggs
– 1/2 cup dill, parsley and chives
– Himalayan pink salt to taste
– Pepper to taste
– Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle

Keto Brunch Recipe Method:
1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees
2. Add butter to a shallow dish and melt. Then add coconut milk
3. Add rainbow chard and cook until softened
4. Crack eggs around the pan and season with salt and pepper
5. Bake until the whites are set and yolks are still runny for approx 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat, sprinkle with herbs, season with salt and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil
6. Serve hot with toasted bread, berries and a hot cup of antioxidant rich, toxin free Purity Coffee 🥰

Keto Brunch Recipe

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