Julva® is an all-natural, anti-aging cosmetic cream for your delicate feminine parts. It’s been created by a Triple Board Certified OB/GYN — Dr. Anna Cabeca.
Dr Anna Cabeca Julva is designed to help you:
- Stop embarrassing urine leaks
- Re-ignites intimacy
- Stop vaginal dryness & discomfort
- Deepen your passion and sensation
- Improve skin elasticity and vaginal tightening
Made in the USA
Watch this video to find out how to use Julva and the PPR Cream:

Dr Anna Cabeca Julva gives you…
You know that feeling of deep discomfort that robs you of joy in simple daily activities… of your confidence and femininity… of intimacy with your partner. Whether it’s embarrassing urinary leakage or vaginal dryness and pain — the dreadful symptoms of menopause go beyond the physical. They affect the quality of your life — and your everyday happiness.
Dr Anna Cabeca realizes that most women same as you don’t have access to a safe vaginal hormonal therapy — or that it won’t address all of their problems. I decided to change that and create a solution that would be safe, convenient (available without prescription) and easy to apply at home.
That’s how Julva cream was born — and it has been changing lives ever since.
- Soothe vaginal dryness, burning and itching
- Stop embarrassing urine leaks
- Prevent vaginal and bladder infections
- Increase your desire, arousal and orgasms
- Repair skin elasticity and stop external vulvar thinning and irritation
- Bring back your confidence, zest for life and vavaoom
Once you’re a proud Julva owner, make a daily habit of applying 0.5 mls to the vulva, clitoris and surrounding skin. You can apply it in the morning or in the evening, whatever works better for you. Typically we recommend using it everyday for one month or until desired results — then 5 times per week for maintenance.
It can also be used as needed prior to intercourse (about 20 minutes before — you have to allow it to sink in and start working its magic). Wash hands thoroughly after applying to avoid transferring it to others.
You can also apply via toilet paper and wipe it on.
When you purchase Julva, you’ll receive a 30ml tube of cream.
Watch Dr Anna explain her story (below) and how she came to create Mighty Maca and the full Keto Green collection…and what the benefits are to an Alkaline, Green Keto Diet.
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