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Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are a well-known keto and low-carb aide that provides a quick fuel source for the body. MCTs are less likely to be stored as fat because they are metabolized in large part by the liver after ingestion. This process produces ketones, the body’s preferred energy source. In powder form, this product can easily be mixed into water or with a pre-workout for ingestion.

What Are The Benefits Of MCT Oil?

  • Convenient to take on the go – pack a few tablespoons in a container to use throughout the day for a snack.
  • Bake with healthy fats – get the benefits of MCTs in your favorite low carb foods.
  • Puts you into nutritional ketosis quicker – for more energy, fat loss, and curbs cravings.
  • Flavourless – doesn’t affect the taste of your drinks or foods. Your water still has the same taste.

Keto Blog

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