Warrior Coffee

Original and Vanilla Butter Coffee

If you’re a coffee lover, you’ve probably experienced the benefits of the mood brightening morning booster. Now let’s upgrade on that. Add some high quality organic fats and your coffee instantly escalates into a performance-boosting juggernaut. Warrior Coffee is that double-kick on top of the caffeinated kick – the superhero of ordinary mochas.

However, not all fat is created equal. For the ultimate boost you need the ultimate fats. Virgin coconut oil is a tropical trooper ready to eliminate exhaustion. It contains medium-chain-triglycerids (MCTs), which means it’s THE fat – healthy form saturated fat compared to trans fat. Clarified butter Ghee, on the other hand, is a premium immunity defender rich in vitamins A, E and K, and celebrated for a host of other health benefits. And the best part? Warrior Butter Coffee is incredibly simple and fast to make,  and comes with the flavour of sweet vanilla.

Everything you need is in the box. Just add hot water, mix, and enjoy! It’s the most convenient butter coffee!

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