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C8 Oil

Keto 8 is MCT oil that’s been refined to boost the C8 content over 99%. So if you want to boost energy, fat loss, and ketone levels using a MCT Oil supplement, the superior choice is Keto 8.

MCT oil is a well known keto and low-carb aid that increases blood ketone levels and can be used in a variety of applications, including supplementation and cooking. Most commercially available MCT oils are a combination of C8 and C10 in a 60:40 ratio, and derived from sources such as coconut or palm oil. Both C8 and C10 provide increased ketone levels, however C8 has proven to be the superior choice. C8 has been shown to increase blood ketone levels by a greater amount than its counterpart, by almost twofold, and C8 is ten times less likely to be stored as body fat by the liver! So we bottled this powerful aid into 12 ounce bottles. This product is clear and tasteless.

Science behind the Product

Naturally occurring Medium Chain Triglycerides are fats which contain one or more of the following fatty acids – C6 (caproic), C8 (caprylic), C10 (capric), or C12 (lauric). Commercially available MCT oils are refined from coconut or palm kernel oil and contain primarily C8 and C10, in a 60 / 40 ratio approximately.

Both C8 and C10 absorb through the portal vein where they directly enter the liver. A large portion of the fatty acids are metabolized to Acetyl CoA and subsequently to ketone bodies (AcAc and BHB). Some of the fatty acids do pass through the liver however and can be stored as bodyfat (albeit far less readily than longer chain fatty acids).

C8 and C10 are not equal however. C8 has been shown to be much more efficient at elevating ketones than C10 (almost twofold). C8 has also been shown to be stored in fat tissue approximately ten times less than C10!

Keto Blog

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